Cooking for Vegans
UK-based guide to cooking and buying vegan food, aimed primarily at non-vegans. - Detail
Google PR
UK-based guide to cooking and buying vegan food, aimed primarily at non-vegans. - Detail
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The Enlightened Kitchen: Marie's Recipes
Sample recipes from Marie Oser's cookbooks, each with a nutritional analysis. - Detail
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Sample recipes from Marie Oser's cookbooks, each with a nutritional analysis. - Detail
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Vegan Visitor
Blog with recipes and photographs of well presented food, from a vegan who does freelance work as a food writer, food stylist and photographer. - Detail
Google PR
Blog with recipes and photographs of well presented food, from a vegan who does freelance work as a food writer, food stylist and photographer. - Detail
Google PR
Vegan Wolf
Information on cholesterol-free vegan food, with advice on substitutes, converting recipes, nutrition, menus, recipes and a list of foods and product ingredients to avoid. - Detail
Google PR
Information on cholesterol-free vegan food, with advice on substitutes, converting recipes, nutrition, menus, recipes and a list of foods and product ingredients to avoid. - Detail
Google PR
Vegan Coach
Principles of a healthy vegan diet including advice on B12, suitable foods and how to prepare them, recipes, developing original recipes and a blog. - Detail
Google PR
Principles of a healthy vegan diet including advice on B12, suitable foods and how to prepare them, recipes, developing original recipes and a blog. - Detail
Google PR
Vegan Improv
This site provides vegan food suggestions, recipes, wine pairings and product reviews. - Detail
Google PR
This site provides vegan food suggestions, recipes, wine pairings and product reviews. - Detail
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Rochester Vegetarian Society Recipes
Completely vegan recipes for stuffing, sauces, desserts from the Rochester Area Vegetarian Society. - Detail
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Completely vegan recipes for stuffing, sauces, desserts from the Rochester Area Vegetarian Society. - Detail
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Holiday Recipes
Features vegan recipes for occasions like Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. From the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. - Detail
Google PR
Features vegan recipes for occasions like Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. From the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. - Detail
Google PR
A vegan food weblog, focused on the environment, animal rights, delicious recipes, and local out and abouts - Detail
Google PR
A vegan food weblog, focused on the environment, animal rights, delicious recipes, and local out and abouts - Detail
Google PR
Tazarat Vegan Recipes
Provides recipes for soups, grains, meat substitutes, condiments, pasta dishes, vegetables, and fruits. - Detail
Google PR
Provides recipes for soups, grains, meat substitutes, condiments, pasta dishes, vegetables, and fruits. - Detail
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