Facts about Food Irradiation
Information from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
http://www.iaea.org/programmes/nafa/d5/public/foodirradiation.pdf - Detail
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Information from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
http://www.iaea.org/programmes/nafa/d5/public/foodirradiation.pdf - Detail
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National Food Safety Database
An educational resource put together by the National Food Safety Database team, United States Department of Agriculture, and the University of Florida. It has a database of industry and consumer information, and news on safety issues from around the world.
http://foodsafety.ifas.ufl.edu/ - Detail
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An educational resource put together by the National Food Safety Database team, United States Department of Agriculture, and the University of Florida. It has a database of industry and consumer information, and news on safety issues from around the world.
http://foodsafety.ifas.ufl.edu/ - Detail
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CDC: FAQ - Botulism
Presents facts and information.
http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/botulism_g.htm - Detail
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Presents facts and information.
http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/botulism_g.htm - Detail
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Canadian Partnership for Consumer Food Safety Education
National association of public and private organizations committed to educating Canadians about the ease and importance of food safety in the home.
http://www.canfightbac.org/ - Detail
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National association of public and private organizations committed to educating Canadians about the ease and importance of food safety in the home.
http://www.canfightbac.org/ - Detail
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Food Safety
Series of factsheets from the University of Florida.
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/TOPIC_Food_Safety - Detail
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Series of factsheets from the University of Florida.
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/TOPIC_Food_Safety - Detail
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Food Irradiation - Frequently Asked Questions
How it's used, what safety precautions are in place, and what benefits it brings. From the US Centers for Disease Control.
http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/foodirradiation.htm - Detail
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How it's used, what safety precautions are in place, and what benefits it brings. From the US Centers for Disease Control.
http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/foodirradiation.htm - Detail
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Food Safety and Quality
Frequently asked questions about food preparation, storage, and other food safety issues.
http://msucares.com/health/food_safety/ - Detail
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Frequently asked questions about food preparation, storage, and other food safety issues.
http://msucares.com/health/food_safety/ - Detail
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Programme of Food Safety and Food Aid/Food Safety Unit, WHO
Information about the organization.
http://www.who.int/foodsafety/ - Detail
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Information about the organization.
http://www.who.int/foodsafety/ - Detail
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Food Safety Project
Information from Iowa State University on handling foods for tailgate parties and picnics.
http://www.extension.iastate.edu/foodsafety/ - Detail
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Information from Iowa State University on handling foods for tailgate parties and picnics.
http://www.extension.iastate.edu/foodsafety/ - Detail
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Kitchen Safety Tips
Tips for safely using deep fat fryers and knives, and working around the stove.
http://www.premiersystems.com/recipes/kitchen-safety/ - Detail
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Tips for safely using deep fat fryers and knives, and working around the stove.
http://www.premiersystems.com/recipes/kitchen-safety/ - Detail
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