Diana Gray Ministries
Provides meat substitue recipes containing textured vegetable protein and gluten.
http://www.dianagrayministries.net/recipes/5-meat-meatsub.html - Detail
Google PR
Provides meat substitue recipes containing textured vegetable protein and gluten.
http://www.dianagrayministries.net/recipes/5-meat-meatsub.html - Detail
Google PR
The Vegetarian Society UK: Meat Substitutes
Brief introduction to some common substitutions.
http://www.vegsoc.org/newveg/kickstart/substitutes.html - Detail
Google PR
Brief introduction to some common substitutions.
http://www.vegsoc.org/newveg/kickstart/substitutes.html - Detail
Google PR
Food Product Design: The Beef Behind Meat Substitutes
http://www.foodproductdesign.com/archive/1995/0795DE.html - Detail
Google PR
http://www.foodproductdesign.com/archive/1995/0795DE.html - Detail
Google PR
Meat Substitutes
Large collection of recipes from VegSource.com.
http://www.vegsource.com/recipe/meatsub.htm - Detail
Google PR
Large collection of recipes from VegSource.com.
http://www.vegsource.com/recipe/meatsub.htm - Detail
Google PR
TVP and Seiten Recipes
More than 40 low-fat and fat-free main dishes. Most recipes are also vegan. From FatFree.com.
http://www.fatfree.com/recipes/meat-analogues/ - Detail
Google PR
More than 40 low-fat and fat-free main dishes. Most recipes are also vegan. From FatFree.com.
http://www.fatfree.com/recipes/meat-analogues/ - Detail
Google PR
Meat: What's the Alternative?
Describes several products suitable for vegetarians who still miss the texture or taste of meat.
http://www.ivillage.co.uk/food/fruitveg/vegetarian/articles/0,10103,164321_175730,00.html - Detail
Google PR
Describes several products suitable for vegetarians who still miss the texture or taste of meat.
http://www.ivillage.co.uk/food/fruitveg/vegetarian/articles/0,10103,164321_175730,00.html - Detail
Google PR
Native Foods California
Lists restaurant menus, definitions and recipes on meat substitutes. Includes a mailing list.
http://www.nativefoods.com/ - Detail
Google PR
Lists restaurant menus, definitions and recipes on meat substitutes. Includes a mailing list.
http://www.nativefoods.com/ - Detail
Google PR
Emily Skinner
Provides meat substitutes for sandwiches, burgers and meat-loaf. Includes information on health, cooking and genealogy.
http://www.emilyskinner.com/food/pretend.html - Detail
Google PR
Provides meat substitutes for sandwiches, burgers and meat-loaf. Includes information on health, cooking and genealogy.
http://www.emilyskinner.com/food/pretend.html - Detail
Google PR