Other links in this category
  • Recipe Source Vegetarian Recipes
    A large collection of vegetarian recipes, including sub-indexes for tofu, tempeh, rice, curries, burritos, and burgers; from RecipeSource.com.
  • Veg-O-Maniac
    Includes vegetarian recipes for salads, soups, desserts, noodles, beans and legumes.
  • Susanina's Vegetarian Kitchen
    Recipes, video segments, and thoughtful advice from a seasoned cook and baker who loves teaching others how vegetarian food can be deliciously satisfying.
  • The Veg Box Diaries
    Culinary adventures with a weekly organic veg box.
  • Veg World
    Provides information, advice, recipes and travel guides for vegetarians and vegans. Features a recipe of the month section.