Other links in this category
  • Butterscotch Sauce
    An old soda fountain recipe yielding an old fashioned taste, using the basic ingredients for such a sauce, with the addition of corn starch for thickening.
  • Sweet Sauces from Hugs's Homehearth
    From apple cinnamon syrup to white chocolate sauce, including hard sauce, fudge or caramel sauce, Russian cream and a few toppings.
  • Hard Sauce
    A quick and easy hard sauce requiring no cooking. Made with butter, white sugar, brandy and a dash of almond extract.
  • Brandy Butter (Hard Sauce)
    A traditional sauce to be served with plum pudding or on hot raisin toast. Requires no cooking, made in a blender and refrigerated.
  • Cranberry Sauce from Betty Crocker
    Simple recipe using frozen cranberries, sugar, and water.