Other links in this category
  • Foamy Butter Sauce
    Made in a double boiler with butter, confectioners' sugar, and an egg. Served warm.
  • Cherry Vanilla Sauce
    Made with vanilla beans, pitted cherries, water, sugar, and pure almond extract, this sauce is used over ice cream, pound cake, angel food cake, or even savory dishes like grilled pork or chicken.
  • Sweet Sauces from Hugs's Homehearth
    From apple cinnamon syrup to white chocolate sauce, including hard sauce, fudge or caramel sauce, Russian cream and a few toppings.
  • Fudge Sauce
    Served warm and calls for butter, unsweetened chocolate, white sugar, corn syrup, and vanilla extract.
  • Fruit Dips
    Collection of various recipes from Allrecipes.