Other links in this category
  • Pasta Recipes at Recipezaar
    Search within the collection for something in particular or browse by course, cuisine, or preparation. Each recipe includes nutritional information.
  • Pasta Dough from Hugs's Homeheart
    A very large collection of recipes from Afghanistan curry pasta to zucchini pasta, including apple cinnamon, apricot, semolina, Cajun, lime cilantro, Mexican herb, soy, spelt, triticale, kamut, mint, multi-grain, and orange pasta, to name only a few.
  • Cooking Art - Pasta recipes
    Collection of 500 pasta recipes, listed alphabetically.
  • StarChef Minnie Giraldi's Pasta Recipes
    A number of traditional Italian pasta recipes from Minnie Giraldi, a famous Italian chef.
  • Pasta Basics
    Links to numerous pasta recipes, sauce recipes, as well as tips for buying and cooking pasta.