Other links in this category
  • Busy Mom Recipes
    Chicken, meat loaf, dill potatoes, and an apple cake in the microwave, plus menu suggestions, and other types of recipes.
  • Microwave Meal Magic
    Find microwave recipes and learn the tricks to cooking a meal in the microwave, including standing time and shielding. Recipes include Microwave Shrimp Scampi and Spinach and Rice Fish Roll-Ups.
  • Golden Eggs
    Recipes with eggs as a main ingredient. Provides links on nutrition, children's activities, and a farm to family picture story.
  • Sandi's Recipe File
    An assortment of recipes, many with color photos. Links to recipe files, message board, and a kitchen shop.
  • Microwave Connection
    Recipes, plus they offer a bi-monthly newsletter, a question and answer page, plus update news and information on microwave ovens.