Other links in this category
  • Favourite Children's Recipes
    A small collection of recipes to please children, young and old.
  • Hummie's Kids Page
    Recipes divided by categories for snacks, cookies, pizzas, candies, Hallowe'en, and fun edible and non-edible stuff such as playclay.
  • Paula's Archives: Lunch Ideas
    Baked or cooked, breakfast for lunch, sandwiches and soups are a few of the suggestions offered for a quick and fun meal.
  • Party Foods: Desserts
    Children will enjoy building their own ice cream sundae, eating fruit pizza, or making cookie art by painting icing onto sugar cookies. Recipe for homemade ice cream also included.
  • Magic Potion Punch from Betty Crocker
    Fizzy, hot, and chocolaty drink. Makes 8 children portions of 1/2 cup each.