Other links in this category
  • Microwave Seafood Paella
    Mussels, shrimp, and orange roughy cooked with rice, tomatoes, chicken broth, and peas. From RecipeSource.
  • Fishermans Pie
    Baked haddock, salmon, and cod topped with cheddar mashed potatoes.
  • Elegant Southern Seafood Cake
    Patties made with crabmeat, shrimp, flounder, and scallops, coated with cornbread crumbs, and sauteed in butter. From RecipeSource.
  • Cod and Shrimp with Feta Cheese
    A stove-top recipe calling for cod, shrimp, tomatoes, and feta cheese.
  • Grilled Marinated Seafood
    Salmon and swordfish marinated with horseradish and mustard, and shrimp and tuna marinated in dill, then placed on skewers and grilled. From RecipeSource.