Other links in this category
  • Rangpur Lime Punch
    A simple recipe using Rangpur limes; may be made with any type of lime. Also uses a sugar syrup made with sugar and water, pineapple juice, ice, and 7-Up.
  • Crock-Pot Cranberry from RecipeSource
    Warm punch made with cranberry juice cocktail, apple juice, clove studded orange, and other spices.
  • Quick Cranberry Punch from Betty Crocker
    Cranberry juice, pink lemonade frozen concentrate, and ginger ale allow you to make this punch in a pinch. Makes 12 servings (3/4 cup each).
  • College Punch
    Made with pineapple, apple, and orange juice, ginger ale, and orange sherbet, with strawberries for garnish.
  • Sparkling Citrus Punch from Betty Crocker
    Uses frozen concentrates of grapefruit and tangerine or orange juice, and sparkling water.