Other links in this category
  • Cinnamon Liqueur
    Yields one pint, made with both vodka and brandy.
  • Raspberry Liqueur
    Raspberries are placed in a jar with brandy and then stored on sunny windowsill for 2 month. A sugar syrup is then added to make the cordial.
  • Licorice Liqueur
    Vodka is flavored with licorice root. Licorice extract may also be used to adjust flavor after steeping. Yields 1 pint.
  • Peppermint Liqueur
    Yields one quart and is made with vodka, peppermint extract, and sugar syrup.
  • Anise-Pepper Liqueurt
    Yields 1 quart of flavoured vodka. From Culinary Cafe.