JustA Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes
A small collection of chocolate chip cookies recipes.
http://www.justa-corner.com/recipe-box/chocolate-chip-cookies.htm - Detail
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A small collection of chocolate chip cookies recipes.
http://www.justa-corner.com/recipe-box/chocolate-chip-cookies.htm - Detail
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The Chocolate Chip Cookie Page
Large collection recipes from Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies to Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies.
http://www.webterrace.com/cookie/recipes.htm - Detail
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Large collection recipes from Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies to Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies.
http://www.webterrace.com/cookie/recipes.htm - Detail
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In the Chips
Recipes using chocolate chips such as cookies, cakes, candy, muffins, quick-breads, and recipes in a jar.
http://members.tripod.com/~davidswife/choc_chip_cookies.html - Detail
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Recipes using chocolate chips such as cookies, cakes, candy, muffins, quick-breads, and recipes in a jar.
http://members.tripod.com/~davidswife/choc_chip_cookies.html - Detail
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